Vox Humana SF is excited to announce an opportunity to commission a new work for our 3rd season. We are looking for a unique piece for a cappella chorus, inspired by the text of a living California poet. We believe that a collaboration between poet and composer would be ideal, fostering a creative synergy that will bring the text to life through music.

The commissioned work will be a highlight of our 2025-2026 season, showcasing the talents of both the poet and the composer. This is a chance to contribute to the rich tradition of choral music and to have your work performed by a dedicated and passionate ensemble.

If you are intrigued by this project and would like to participate, please reach out to Founder and General Director Don Scott Carpenter. We look forward to hearing from you and exploring the possibilities of this exciting collaboration. The deadline to submit interest is December 31, 2024.

In the ever-evolving landscape of programming, Vox Humana SF is proud to unveil its groundbreaking "New Works Series" initiative. Designed to foster innovation, creativity, and collaboration, this program aims to provide composers with a unique opportunity to have their works workshopped and performed by our esteemed ensemble. As a forward-thinking organization, we recognize the importance of nurturing new voices in the realm of composition and are committed to showcasing and promoting the next generation of musical talent.

  1. Cultivating Artistic Innovation: Vox Humana SF's "New Works Series" initiative is dedicated to cultivating artistic innovation by actively seeking out emerging composers and supporting their creative endeavors. By providing a platform for composers to have their works workshopped and performed, we aim to encourage experimentation and the exploration of new musical ideas. This initiative creates an environment where composers can freely express their artistic visions and push the boundaries of traditional programming.

  2. Workshopping: Enhancing Compositional Development: At the heart of the "New Works Series" initiative lies the invaluable process of workshopping. Composers selected for this program will have the opportunity to collaborate closely with Vox Humana SF's talented musicians and artistic director. Through regular meetings, rehearsals, and feedback sessions, composers will refine their compositions, experiment with different approaches, and gain valuable insights from experienced professionals. This comprehensive and iterative process ensures that each composition reaches its full potential, delivering a compelling musical experience for both performers and audiences.

  3. Performance Opportunities: Showcasing Talented Composers: The "New Works Series" initiative culminates in live performances, where selected compositions will be premiered by Vox Humana SF. Our ensemble's exceptional musicianship and commitment to delivering engaging performances will bring these works to life, showcasing the talent and creativity of the composers. By providing a platform for composers to present their works to a diverse audience, we contribute to the enrichment of the classical music repertoire and foster a deeper appreciation for contemporary compositions.

  4. Collaboration and Community Engagement: Vox Humana SF's "New Works Series" initiative also emphasizes collaboration and community engagement. We believe that by connecting composers, performers, and audiences, we can build a vibrant and supportive artistic community. Through workshops, panel discussions, and educational programs, we aim to foster dialogue and encourage meaningful interactions among composers, performers, and music enthusiasts. This collaborative environment not only enhances the development of new works but also promotes knowledge sharing, networking, and the exchange of ideas.

The "New Works Series" initiative by Vox Humana SF represents a significant step forward in programming by embracing the future of composition. By providing composers with the necessary resources, guidance, and performance opportunities, we aim to support the growth of new musical voices. We invite composers from diverse backgrounds to submit their works and join us on this exciting journey of artistic exploration, collaboration, and musical innovation. Together, let's shape the future of programming and contribute to the continued evolution of classical music.

Fill out my online form.

New Works SErIES


Robin Estrada and José Daniel Vargas

Vox Humana SF is pleased to announce that it has commissioned two new works by Bay Area composers for its 2024-2025 season. God’s World by José Daniel Vargas and Paglalakbay by Robin Estrada will be premiered February 14-16, 2025.

2025-2026 Commission Project